The Black Country Plan is consulting with residents regarding the future of the Green Belt, including areas in Stourbridge. This petition seeks support for the prevention of two sites being released for development. These are:
- Grazing Land, Wollaston Farm, Wollaston – 90 Homes (DUH217)
- Worcester Lane South, Stourbridge – 115 Homes (DUH206, DUH207 & DUH209)
Stourbridge Green Belt is an important part of our community and livelihoods and releasing these two areas of land for development would have a detrimental impact on the local area. Neither of these areas have sufficient highway access to support more traffic, nor is the social/healthcare infrastructure available to support more residents. The GP surgeries would be overwhelmed and the availability of local schools would not be adequate to provide education for the increase in numbers of children.
The local area has sufficient brownfield sites which supports a brownfield site first policy and, as such, green belt should not be considered for release for development. Not only does a brownfield first policy protect the green belt, it improves local areas and helps make the borough a beautiful place to live, work and raise a family.
Please sign our petition and also submit your comments directly to the Consultation process at https://blackcountryplan.dudley.gov.uk/t2/p6/ to ensure that our message is heard – our green belt is not open for development!